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The Munay Ki rites are a series of attunements to shamanic healing energies.

"Munay" means "love and will" together "ki" is from the Chinese word for energy.

THE TIME OF CHANGE. Prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time in history as a period of great transformation, a time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell of a new human appearing on the planet - a person of wisdom and power who lives free of fear and resides in their eternal nature; accepting stewardship for all creation.

The rites of the Munay-Ki are the energetic "codes" for this new human known as "Homo-Luminous" or "Light Being". The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way, which come from the ancient men and women known as the Laika.

The rites of the Munay-Ki are experienced in the form of energetic transmissions that shift the luminous energy field. They are a nine step process to heal the wounds of the past - our karmic & genetic inheritance. They help us to step into the fullness of our nature by transforming our human energy field and re-informing our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body - one that ages, heals, and dies differently.

The nine rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms and styles in different cultures. They derive from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women who crossed the Baring Straits from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. These courageous travelers were the Laika, the Earthkeepers of old.

The Laika have always been ordinary men and women who live extraordinary lives. They were not born with special gifts from Spirit; they have acquired uncommon grace and power through prayer, study of the wisdom teachings or Insights, and discipline. Some grew to be renowned leaders and healers, while others lived quiet lives, raising their children and growing corn. The Laika felt that people would come to the Munay-Ki when they were ready and felt a calling to do so.

Many of you have received such a calling from Spirit, and long to make a difference in the world and in your life. When you come to the path of the Earthkeepers with sincere intention and an open heart, you'll soon notice that you're not alone. You'll find yourself in the company of like-minded people who strive to live by ethics and vision. And you'll find yourself in the company of Earthkeepers who lived on this planet many thousands of years ago, luminous beings who are now part of the great matrix of life. These Earthkeepers will add their power and vision to yours.

As you receive the Munay-Ki, your chakras will become clear and you'll acquire what the Laika know as the rainbow body. This is when your chakras glow with their original radiance. Remember that each of the chakras has a color, and when they're shining with their original light, they emit the colors of the rainbow. When they're dulled by trauma from this and from previous lifetimes, our LEF acquires a grayish hue and our chakras become pools of psychic sewage. Once we acquire a rainbow body, the luminous Earthkeepers can reach out to us because they recognize that we share a common vision and calling. When this happens, and if you've developed the ability to see into the invisible world, you can discern the former physical forms of these luminous ones. Sometimes, people will perceive these ancient Earthkeepers as Native American elders, wearing robes from Asia or furs from Siberia, or even feathers from the Amazon. Sometimes you'll be able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. And you will have access to their wisdom and their stories. Eventually, as you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, you can download a new and better version of the software that informs the LEF, which will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal, and die differently.



Watch Dr. Alberto Villoldo explaining each of the Nine Rites plus much more information from the founders of Munay Ki

Further information and teachings from The Four Winds Society


Fire Ceremony



The nine rites are the sum total of attunements that we go through as we transit from the body of a human to the body of angels.

These rites were first given to ancient teachers by angelic beings, and now are passed on from teacher to student. When an Earthkeeper gifts the Munay-Ki to a student, it is the lineage of luminous beings that transmits itself, that leaps from the head of the master to the student as they lean into each other and touch, forehead to forehead. To transfer this energetic information, the Earthkeeper simply maintains sacred space and embodies the vibration of the level she wants to transmit. While you can't undergo these initiations on your own, once you receive them, the rites are yours to transmit to others as you wish.

Nine Rites of Awakening

The Foundation Rites

Bands of Power: Five luminous belts that are woven into the luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward the person, into one of the five elements. These energies then feed your LEF instead of making you sick.

Healer's Rite: Connects you to a lineage of luminous beings from the past,who come to assist you in your personal transformation. Awakens the healing power in your hands so that everyone you touch is blessed. There is tremendous spiritual assistance available, and these luminous ones work in our sleep to heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

Harmony Rite: The transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the Chakras. First you receive serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle; next you receive three archangels: the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super conscious).

Seer's Rite: Extra-cerebral pathways of light are installed that connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the "inner seer" and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.

The Linage Rites

Daykeeper's Rite: You connect to a lineage of master healers from the past. Daykeepers are able to call on the ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, call on the sun to rise each day, and bring humans into harmony with mother Earth. They are the midwives, herbalists and curanderas. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.

Wisdomkeeper's Rite: You connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. This rite is associated with the snow-capped mountains, perhaps a distant memory of our ancestors from the Himalayas. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity.

Earthkeeper's Rite: This rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our galaxy, stewards of all life on Earth. This rite connects you to the stars, and to the sun, our local star. It helps you learn the ways of the seer and dream the world into being.

The Rites of the Times to Come

Starkeeper's Rite: This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change, said to occur around 2012. Your physical body begins to evolve into homo luminous, the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease.

Spiritkeeper's Rite: Awakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. Once attained only through direct transmission from Spirit, it is now possible to transmit from one person to another.
As you work with the germination of these rites you will be touched and blessed by angels. You simply need to open yourself to the wisdom of the Earthkeepers, and all will be bestowed upon you.

The nine rites will be passed on over 3, 1 day courses or over a 2-day intensive course. Each course will enable you to explore the history and power of these rites. You will learn how to call in the spirits of the four corners of the world, open sacred space and be given the seeds of each rite that you must nurture and grow within yourself through your Luminous Energy Field and chakras using the sacred fire ceremony.

Details of the next courses are displayed on the workshop page.

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